The school nowadays 1980 -2014
A great builder: Bernard PORET

S aint Jean - Baptiste de La Salle School is nowadays:
- A secondary school
  • the Third preparatory school for entrance to
  • - A high school of technical and professional teaching
  • BAC " Sciences et technologies de l’industrie et du développement durable"
  • - A high school of general teaching
  • scientific Series (physical sciences)
  • - A professional high school
  • CAP "Maintenance des bâtiments de collectivité"
  • BAC PRO "Etude et Définition de produits Industriels"
  • BAC PRO "Maintenance des Equipements Industriels"
  • BAC PRO "Maintenance des Véhicules Automobiles"
  • BAC PRO "Systèmes Electroniques Numériques"
  • BAC PRO "Electrotechnique, Energie et Equipements Communicants"
  • - A high school of higher education
  • BTS "Audiovisuel"
  • - A training center
    - An associative radio
    - A mixed boarding school

    A t the request of the Industrialists and following the development of in-service training, the school turned to adult education.
    J ERF clothing business plant, Rue Ponsardin, were on sale
    T he Brothers bought the buildings in 1986, fitted and opened them partially in 1986. The Buildings were only dedicated to the in-service training.
    S ince 1990, the training center of Chemistry occupied another part of the renovated buildings. They will stay for a few years.

    B orn in 1988,” Radio Jeunes Reims” is an associative radio.
    I t aims at helping young people and students by giving them the largest number of information about studies, professions and job offered, but also the local, associative, cultural, musical and sports life of our city.
    T he students of the Audiovisual BTS(TWO-YEAR TECHNICAL DEGREE) of Saint Jean Baptiste de La Salle School, and particularly the students of the option "Sound" as well as the pupils of the high school, bring their know-how to the development and to the extension of Antenna.

    T he School opens on new formations in Broadcasting.
    A fter the opening of a” BEP audiovisuel”, a “BTS audiovisuel” opened in 1990.
    T he audiovisual center, the place and tool of the formation of students, was built. It was inaugurated in November 2004.

    S ince 1970, the boarding school occupied a floor of the Seminar, today “Maison ST SIXTE”. The Archbishop, wanting to gather the diocesan departments, asked to empty the premises.
    I n 1994, a new boarding school, Rue de Contrai, was built. It was named after Brother Claude Lapied who was a big builder.

    I n 2009, the new entrance showed the new vision of the School.
    T he statue of Jean Baptiste de La Salle found again the place in the entrance, which it ‘had in the 60’s. It welcomes the pupils and teachers.

    O wing to the purchase of grounds on the angle of the Rues du Barbâtre and Gerbert and at the request of the city to move six meters back, to face the new requirements for receiving the students in technological courses, a 2100m ² Technical Center was built.