The disaster of March 1918

F or four years the Germans kept the city under the fire of their powerful artillery; the polygon of shot was focused on the Cathedral and its surroundings.

S ince the beginning of the hostilities, the school was transformed into a Red Cross Hospital whereas teachers and students were mobilized.

A part of the furniture and equipment was put on safety in Troyes.

T he native house of Jean-Baptiste de La Salle was destroyed.

T he area around the school was completely in ruins.

M arch 25th 1918, a general order of evacuation of the civilian population was given. When the Brothers returned to Reims, in December, the school of the “Arts et Métiers” was not more than a heap of ruins: some sections of walls which resisted to the grapeshot and to the fire; twisted scraps, some small equipment having escaped the plunderers and tramps.

I n the far end of the schoolyard, the statue of Jean-Baptiste de La Salle was respected by shells: just a scratch at the bottom of the garment, nothing more; however, the standing child in front of him, was touched by a piece of shrapnel in his heart.